
校园暴力侵害妇女办公室 Grant Project


到2020年9月,美国将采取行动.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) awarded the Women’s Center at the University of Idaho a continuation grant of almost $300,000 to fund the 校园 Violence Prevention Project for a further three years. The Women’s Center received an OVW grant in 2016. The grant award is funding efforts to engage the campus, 社区, statewide 和 national organizations in developing 和 implementing culturally relevant, 社区 responsive prevention education programming 和 victim services at U of I. The project will have an increased emphasis on stalking prevention education 和 outreach to students with disabilities.


  • 目标1: 扩大校园和社区参与;
  • 目标2: The reduction of sexual assault, 家庭暴力, dating violence 和 stalking;
  • 目标3: 有效和及时的干预.

These three overarching goals will be carried out through efforts in five key areas:

  1. A coordinated 社区 response team (CCRT);
  2. Comprehensive prevention education 和 outreach;
  3. 学生的行为;
  4. 执法;
  5. 受害者服务.


A core goal of the OVW grant is engaging men 和 student-athletes in violence prevention efforts on campus. This Green Dot PSA encourages V和als to step up when their peers need support.

All grant activities will support 和 promote Clery行为 第九条 compliance, robust efforts to engage men 和 cultural humility.


A coordinated 社区 response approach ensures a timely, culturally relevant 和 respectful response to sexual assault, 家庭暴力, dating violence 和 stalking committed on or off campus. Implementing such an approach requires establishing a Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT). This team coordinates all prevention 和 intervention efforts; facilitates communication between key campus departments 和 社区 partners; ensures messages across efforts are consistent 和 reinforced; 和 ensures the system’s response to survivors is seamless, 一贯和支持.


This group is charged with setting the direction of the grant 和 monitoring progress towards established goals.


  • 亚伦莫里斯, Officer莫斯科警察局, 校园 Division
  • 卡里有限元分析他是学生事务副主任
  • 艾米莉McLarnan, Associate Director, Violence Prevention Programs Office
  • 雷切尔•诺里斯 OVW项目主任,妇女中心
  • Lysa Salsbury,妇女中心主任
  • 校园倡导者,ATVP

The 动员的男人 subcommittee creates 和 implements educational programming designed to engage campus men in gender-based violence prevention, 关注健康的男子气概, non-violent communication 和 their roles as empowered byst和ers.


  • 埃里克•安德森,就业服务临时主任
  • 布莱斯布兰肯希普,系讲师. 哲学与政治
  • 约翰Hennrich, Case Manager, Office of the Dean of Students
  • 肖恩McIlraith部门行政协调员. 的体育运动
  • 艾米莉McLarnan, Case Manager, Office of the Dean of Students
  • Lysa Salsbury,妇女中心主任
  • 马克索,首席游泳和潜水教练
  • 泰勒兰尼, Associate Chair of Curriculum 和 Instruction, College of Education

This subcommittee conducts an ongoing inventory 和 assessment of existing prevention training to determine gaps for specific student populations, identifying culturally responsive 和 accessible strategies for broader implementation of educational programs for all students, 工作人员, 教职员工和社区成员. This group recommends 和 assists in the development 和 implementation of programming adjustments, adaptations or innovations to correspond to participants’ needs.


  • Dana Brolley,国际服务部主任
  • 艾琳·查普曼家庭临床副教授 & 消费者科学 & Human Sexuality 和 representative, 教师参议院
  • 詹姆斯·弗莱, 警务处处长莫斯科警察局
  • 茱莉亚Keleher, LGBTQA办公室主任(主席)
  • 艾米莉McLarnan, Associate Director, Violence Prevention Programs Office
  • 艾米丽塔健康促进署署长

This subcommittee reviews existing University 和 local 社区 policies, protocols 和 procedures through a trauma-informed, culturally responsive lens to determine necessary updates 和 identify areas for improvement.


  • 艾琳Agidius, 第九条 Coordinator 和 Director, Office of Civil Rights & 调查(主持)
  • 卡里有限元分析,学生事务副主任(联席主席)
  • 伦纳德约翰逊海军后备军官训练队
  • 巴蒂尔敏锐的, Clery Compliance Officer, Office of Public 安全 & 安全
  • 杰西·马丁内斯, Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs

This subcommittee will create program-specific marketing 和 messaging to ensure consistency, 包容性, broad appeal 和 congruency with the goals set by the grant 和 serve to communicate clear values 和 expectations to the V和al 社区.


  • 尤兰达Bisbee, Chief 多样性 Officer 和 Executive Director of Tribal Relations
  • 科里射线, Associate Director, Housing 和 Residence Life
  • Lysa Salsbury 妇女中心主任

从创伤的角度来看, this subcommittee reviews existing services for 和 responses to victims 和 survivors, to identify current strengths 和 opportunities for improvement.


  • 蒂姆Besst, Deputy Sheriff, Latah County Sheriff’s Office
  • 乔纳森Rosinsky, Officer莫斯科警察局, 校园 Division
  • 亚伦莫里斯, Officer莫斯科警察局, 校园 Division
  • Omni Francetich, representative, 员工委员会 (受害者服务 Chair)
  • 杰西卡长,法律援助诊所协调员
  • 曼迪罗伯茨,陆军后备军官训练队行政协调员
  • 莫林-马尔尚咨询和心理健康中心
  • Sydel塞缪尔, Director, Native American Student Center
  • 卡拉·诺伊曼·斯迈利, The Center (faith-based resource center)






电子邮件: wcenter@sh-fyz.com

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