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3260 - Professional Consulting and Additional Workload


  • Position: Human Resources Director/Vice Provost for Faculty
  • Email: /

Last updated: January 01, 2011


A. Definitions
B. Policy
C. Procedures and Requirements


A-1. Consulting. 此处所使用的是指UI员工获得报酬的任何专业活动,该活动不属于UI,或明显超出了UI任命和支付员工的指定职责.

B. POLICY. 全职聘任的教职员工对UI负有主要的雇佣责任. They are expected to fulfill, to the best of their abilities, 各自职位描述中规定的职责. 全职工作需要每周至少工作40小时. 任何雇员都不能从任何来源获得额外的报酬,作为他或她的全职工作的一部分. (See also FSH 3170.)

B-1. Consulting. 咨询活动必须事先得到员工所在部门负责人或主管、院长或主管/行政人员的书面批准,并符合本协议C部分的规定, prior to initiation of the consulting activity. 每个部门都必须有一个流程来实施这个政策,这个流程已经得到了学院院长或单位负责人的批准. 只有在建议的咨询活动符合以下标准的情况下,才可批准咨询活动:

a. It is compatible with the employee's professional competence.

b. 它不会与已有的类似非ui服务构成不公平竞争. (收费应与顾问的专业地位和经验相称.)

c. 它不会在质量或数量上损害员工所分配职责的履行. (全职员工在一学年的咨询时间应限制在39天,在一个财政年度的咨询时间应限制在48天——通常是在全职工作的基础上每周多一天. 此限制不适用于员工在休假或法定假日期间从事的活动, or during the summer for nine month appointments, 或者员工的工作描述要求员工在其专业领域进行实际操作,并且该等操作已获得本协议规定的批准.)

d. It does not involve the use of any UI supplies, equipment, or facilities, 除非主管行政和财务的副总裁签署的现行协议(在c - 2c进一步讨论)另有规定.

e. 客户被告知,教师或工作人员作为私人顾问,UI不是合同的一方, nor liable, nor responsible for the performance thereof.

f. It is not contrary to UI's best interests.

g. It complies with the restrictions stated in FSH 3170 (大学道德),包括校董会有关利益冲突和道德行为的政策,以及 FSH 6240 (利益冲突或承诺),包括提交所有适用的披露表格 FSH 6240, and all other applicable university policies and procedures.


C-1. General reporting. 所有每周在外工作超过20小时或从事任何外部咨询的员工, subject to the approval required herein, 必须填写披露外间受雇或咨询以获取报酬表格(Form 3260B/6240B) on an annual basis. An updated Form 3260B/6240B 如果接受外部工作或咨询,必须全年提交.

C-2. Consulting Approval.

a. Administrative approval for consulting (Consulting Approval Form 3260 A),只有在建议的活动符合第B部分所列的条件时,才可获批.

b. In requesting approval, 员工须向部门管理员提供以下资料:

1. an estimate of the time that will be required,

2. the subject and scope of the consulting services, and

3. to the extent UI facilities may be used, 要求使用这些设施,并估计使用用户界面设施的程度.

c. If UI supplies, equipment, 或其他设施(图书馆及指定办公空间除外)可供使用(但须优先用于一般的用户界面活动), the consultant must enter into a contract with UI, prior to using any UI supplies, equipment or facilities. 合同由主管财务和行政的副总裁或其指定人员签署. 在任何情况下,如果涉及到来自伊利诺伊大学学生的收款或付款,也应咨询副校长, 部门主管/主管和/或院长/主任同意咨询安排的意见, affect the UI's insurance coverage. 使用UI用品、设备或设施的合同必须:

1. stipulate the kind and extent of equipment usage, personnel to be involved, the direct costs to be incurred, and liability for personal injury or damage to UI property;

2. include provisions for appropriate reimbursement to UI;

3. 说明咨询和使用用品所需的行政审批, equipment or facilities have been obtained; and

4. 经主管财务行政副总裁或其指定人员批准.

C-3. UI雇员为UI所做的除其主要工作之外的任何工作, whether or not it is termed consulting, must be approved by the President, Provost, 或适当的副总裁,并将副本交给人力资源部,否则遵守 FSH 3440. 任何此类工作的补偿必须通过UI工资系统.

C-4. The name, "University of Idaho,是UI的专有属性,因此不应用于支持索赔, advertisements, or the contents of any private consulting reports. UI文具或信笺只可用于官方UI业务. (See 6620.)

Version History

Amended January 2011. Editorial changes to B-1 d.

Amended January 2008. 为了防止利益冲突,对这一政策进行了重大修改, conform to the policy on nepotism, and to promote ethical conduct.

Amended July 2002. Added Section B on Regents Policy.

Amended July 1999. Editorial changes.

Adopted 1979.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119

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