


莫斯科,ID 83844

875周界博士., MS 3010


电子邮件: ora@sh-fyz.com

网络: 奥拉的网站




Final revisions to regulations 政府erning human subjects research, 如共同规则所述, 于1月21日生效, 并被称为2018年的要求.

Feel free to contact the IRB Coordinator with any questions at irb@sh-fyz.com or 208-885-6340.

看这个 video that provides an overview of the University of Idaho IRB process 在YouTube上.


截至7月19日, 2018 the federal 政府ernment will change the types of human subjects research that are considered “exempt.” Some research that previously required expedited review may now qualify for exempt review. The new categories will be listed on the IRB application in VERAS and can be viewed here.

Basic ethical standards still apply even if the research is exempt from further requirements of federal regulations.

  • 研究数据必须安全处理和存储
  • All members of the research team must be current on human subjects training
  • 参与必须是自愿的

Minimal Risk studies reviewed via the expedited procedure after the new rule goes into effect will no longer require annual continuing review under the new rule, but U of I will still require a very brief check-in with the IRB annually to keep our records accurate.

研究ers are still required to submit the following:

  • 项目变更的修订
  • 不利或意外事件的报告
  • 研究完成时的结束报告

All expedited studies will still be sent an annual notification for a status update prior to the anniversary approval date for the study.

Remember that studies qualifying for expedited review must be of no more than minimal risk and meet on of the OHRP快速审查类别.

请浏览 联邦法规网站, which is the resource for the new and revised definitions.

1月25日开始, 2018 all multi-center NIH-funded studies will be required to use single IRB review for the domestic sites. Additional information is available on the NIH website. Single IRB review for studies conducted or supported by other federal agencies will be required starting in January 2020.

The Final Rule adds a requirement for posting clinical trial consent forms on a publicly available website such as 临床试验.政府, a registry and results database administered by the NIH. One consent form for each study must be posted on the federal website after the clinical trial is closed to recruitment, and no later than 60 days after the last study visit by a subject.

NIH-funded studies that meet the NIH definition of a clinical trial must be registered and have results reported to comply with the NIH policy. The NIH definition is expansive and includes research not typically thought of as a "clinical trial.根据美国国立卫生研究院的说法, a clinical trial is "a research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of the interventions on biomedical or behavioral health-related outcomes."

The full definition and more guidance can be found on the NIH website.

The NIH requires that all NIH-funded investigators and staff involved in the conduct, 监督, or management of clinical trials must be trained in Good Clinical Practice (GCP). GCP training can be completed using the CITI program.

Please build in time for you and your team to meet these NIH requirements!

The 2018 requirements do not impact studies approved prior to January 21, 2019. Both the 2018 and pre-2018 requirements can be found on the U.S. 健康与公众服务部网站.

新闻 & 公告

The IRB is now requiring the use of the online CITI course for the completion of Human Subject 培训.

所有的调查员, staff and students with Human Subjects training greater than three years old (from any training source) are required to update their training through the 花旗集团的培训 模块. All new protocol submissions may be held for approval until the training has been updated. Please note that all personnel listed on protocols must complete the human subjects training. Please contact the IRB Coordinator at 208-885-6340 with any questions.

Note: It is important to verify research activities and the status of protocol submissions with the 研究保证处 (ORA) before beginning any human subjects research.



莫斯科,ID 83844

875周界博士., MS 3010


电子邮件: ora@sh-fyz.com

网络: 奥拉的网站
