

MS 2436

电子邮件: vandalstar@sh-fyz.com


VandalStar is a tool to help you connect and thrive personally and academically at U of I. 它是一个系统平台,旨在为您提供一个集中的, online location to connect to people who care (U of I faculty and staff) and services to help you achieve your academic goals. 

这是学生们的归属之地. 它提供在线预约安排, 一个与校园联系的地方, 一种在你最需要的时候(从你的导师那里)得到及时帮助的方法, 顾问, 还有其他的,比如导师和学术教练)和一个可搜索的, campus-wide services listing featuring over 45 services and programs in one location.

如果您需要帮助或有问题,请联系汪达尔之星团队 vandalstar@sh-fyz.com or 208-885-8787.


vandalstar.sh-fyz.com 使用学校提供的邮箱和密码登录. 您可以创建您的配置文件和自定义您的系统设置之后. 您需要您的DUO设备来完成多因素身份验证. 

You can view upcoming VandalStar-scheduled appointments on your dashboard and home page. 的 学生使用指南 includes step-by-step instructions with screenshots, for students who like a visual guide.

  1. 点击我的成功网络或课程.
  2. Select the person you want to schedule an appointment with (U of I faculty or staff). 
  3. 点击 blue Schedule Appointment button (to schedule with faculty and staff who have this feature set-up in VandalStar). Note: if the person you want to schedule with does not have a blue Schedule Appointment button, this means you will need to contact this person via 电子邮件 or 电话 to schedule an appointment.   
  4. Select appointment reason by clicking the arrow at the far-right side of the page. 
  5. 选择约会主题. 点击蓝色的继续按钮. 
  6. 选择预约日期和时间. 点击蓝色的继续按钮.
  7. Choose a location (if applicable) and make edits if needed; add pre-meeting message (optional).
  8. 点击页面底部的蓝色确认按钮提交.
  9. 您将收到一封预约确认邮件. 您也可以选择接收电子邮件提醒. 要设置此功能,请执行以下操作, click your name on the main drop-down menu > 配置文件 > fill out “Reminder Preferences” boxes.
  10. You can view upcoming scheduled appointments on your VandalStar homepage and dashboard.

Find your instructors, 顾问, 辅导员, and key university support here. 这些伊利诺伊大学的教职员工是来帮助你取得学业进步的. Connect with them by Zoom, 电话, 电子邮件, and in person based on their preferences.

  1. 点击 我的成功关系网 from the main drop-down menu to display your personalized network.
  2. 在你的关系下, 你会看到指导员, 顾问, 辅导员和其他可以帮助你的校园人员.
  3. 对于列出的每个人, 你会找到365滚球官网, 如果在线日程安排是可用的, 将显示一个蓝色的Schedule Appointment按钮.

You can request help from your instructor and advisor and connect to tutoring and academic coaching services any time during the school year. 这是让别人知道你需要支持的及时方式.

  1. 从主下拉菜单中单击Raise Your Hand.
  2. 填写本页上的三个区域. You will be asked to provide additional information such as the type of help you are requesting, 相关课程(如适用), 还有一个描述.
  3. We encourage you to make your description as detailed as possible to ensure you get immediate, 适当的援助. 完成后单击提交.
  4. 然后我们会联系你. Please note that this feature is not monitored 24 hours a day and should not be used for emergency situations.

有超过45个不同的列表提供快速联系信息, 营业时间, 服务概述. You can search for a service or key word in the search bar or scroll through the list of available services. 对于每项服务, 你会看到网站的网址, 预约安排信息, 电话, 电子邮件, 和缩放(如果可用)细节.

  1. 进入主菜单,点击“我的成功网络”. 你的导师, 顾问, 辅导员, 职业服务, 和其他员工的名单会被列在你的个人成功网络里.
  2. 向下滚动页面. 点击 the Show Other 服务 button to browse other university services, and programs. 


VandalStar can be accessed through the following link using your Single Sign On and Duo information: vandalstar.sh-fyz.com. 

设置您的个人资料, log in to VandalStar and click on the drop-down menu on the left side of the screen. Select 配置文件. 从这里, you can customize your profile by setting appointment reminders and adding 电子邮件 preferences. 

完成所需的配置文件更改后,单击 提交 按钮保存您的更新. 

消息 tab will display the content of 电子邮件 messages sent to you through VandalStar. 

点击 课程 from the main drop-down menu to display information about courses you are enrolled in as well as contacts and available support related to each. 就像 我的成功关系网, it is personalized to show the people and services specific to the courses you are taking, and gives you the ability to make an appointment or request help related to a course. 


破坏者之星的目的是给你即时的信息, 把你和老师联系起来, 顾问, 以及重要的校园工作人员的支持, 并在你可能需要的时候为你提供学术服务. VandalStar gives you the ability to engage more effectively with the Vandal campus community and ultimately achieve your academic goals.

  • Connect to your Personalized Success Network — VandalStar is all about connecting you to your Success Network and your network being there for you. 谁是你的成功关系网? It’s all the people at U of I dedicated to helping you succeed both in and out of the classroom: 顾问, 教授, 导师, 教练, 支持计划等!
  • 在线预约安排-你发起和指导. 再也不用来回发邮件了! 与VandalStar方便调度, you are in the driver’s seat in setting up appointments with your Success Network and other campus programs anytime, 任何地方, 在任何数字设备上. It makes it fast and easy and you also receive 电子邮件 confirmations and appointment reminders.
  • 举手——请求帮助. 有问题吗?? 通过VandalStar询问指导员、顾问、导师和学术教练! 你可以选择何时以及是否完成.
  • 了解你的学术——你会看到旗子, 荣誉, and sometimes even messages from your 教授 and 顾问 about your academic progress. 这让你知道. 工藤会让你知道你做得很好. A flag is a reminder to take action and connect with your support network or resources.
  • Simply put – VandalStar is a tool to help you connect and thrive personally and academically at U of I. 你的成功很重要,我们在这里支持你.

  • All VandalStar student information is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Protection Act (FERPA). Your personal and academic information is confidential and not accessible except to those employees on who are serving you as a student.
  • 大多数VandalStar警报(旗帜和荣誉)都是你可以看到的, the faculty or staff member who added them to your VandalStar account and only accessible if a U of I employee has authorization to be associated with the alert.
  • 的se alerts are meant to connect Your Success Network with the common goal of ensuring your academic success and give you timely help.


MS 2436

电子邮件: vandalstar@sh-fyz.com

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