University of Idaho - I Banner


Physical Address:
Wallace Residence Center 2nd Floor

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2010 
莫斯科, ID 83844-2010

Phone: 208-885-6571

Fax: 208-885-6606


网络: Housing and Residence Life

Physical Address:

Mailing Address:
Student Mailing Address:
Student Name
MSC #____
901 Paradise Creek Street
莫斯科 ID 83843


Residence Hall Cost of Living

Be successful

Students who live on campus have higher GPAs, 与住在校外公寓或房子里的学生相比,住在校外公寓或房子里的学生更有可能毕业,对自己的大学经历更满意吗.

Rates and Payments

Wallace /  Double

$2,525/semester, $5,050/academic year

North Campus Communities Double

$2,425/semester, $4,850/academic year

North Campus Communities Single

$3,410/semester, $6,820/academic year

McConnell Single

$3,550/semester, $7,100/academic year

Living Learning Community Double

$2,900/semester, $5,800/academic year

Living Learning Community / Stevenson Single

$3,800/semester, $7,600/academic year



北校区社区提供单人房, McConnell, 史蒂文森和生活学习社区.

Rates are billed to students per semester. 申请秋季住宿的学生将签订一份全年合同.

住在宿舍的一年级学生和所有住在华莱士的学生, 西奥菲勒斯塔和麦康奈尔需要有一份膳食计划. Meal plan information can be found on the Idaho Eats Website.


  • 爱达荷体验:餐厅无限餐+ 225美元餐费+每周4次金牌餐= 2美元,872/semester
  • 乔的选择:每周在食堂吃14顿饭+ 325美元的餐费+每周3顿金牌餐费= 2美元,489/semester
  • 破坏者燃料:8餐/周食堂+ 425美元餐费+ 2周黄金餐费= 2美元,074/semester

所有住在麦康奈尔宿舍的归国学生都需要提供膳食计划, 华莱士住宿中心和北校区社区. Returning students living in a Living Learning Community are not required to purchase a meal plan; but are highly encouraged to explore the residential and community meal plan options.

  • 爱达荷体验:餐厅无限餐+ 225美元餐费+每周4次金牌餐= 2美元,872/semester
  • 乔的选择:每周在食堂吃14顿饭+ 325美元的餐费+每周3顿金牌餐费= 2美元,489/semester
  • 破坏者燃料:8餐/周食堂+ 425美元餐费+ 2周黄金餐费= 2美元,074/semester
  • 社交餐:每周在食堂吃3顿饭+ 450美元的餐费+每周1顿黄金餐= 1美元,195/semester

所有住在麦康奈尔宿舍的转学生都需要提供膳食计划, 华莱士住宿中心和北校区社区. Transfer students living in a Living Learning Community are not required to purchase a meal plan; but are highly encouraged to explore the residential and community meal plan options.

  • 爱达荷体验:餐厅无限餐+ 225美元餐费+每周4次金牌餐= 2美元,872/semester
  • 乔的选择:每周在食堂吃14顿饭+ 325美元的餐费+每周3顿金牌餐费= 2美元,489/semester
  • 破坏者燃料:8餐/周食堂+ 425美元餐费+ 2周黄金餐费= 2美元,074/semester
  • 社交餐:每周在食堂吃3顿饭+ 450美元的餐费+每周1顿黄金餐= 1美元,195/semester

夏季住房将位于生活学习社区. 参加暑期班的学生将优先录取. 2024年夏季课程的价格如下.

Length of Stay Up to 30 Nights More than 30 Nights
Single Room Rate $33.00* per night $31.00 per night
Double Room Rate (Limited) $26.00* per night $24.00 per night
 * 8%的销售税已包含在这一总额中. 6 percent Idaho State tax and 2 percent Hotel Tax; required for any stay less than 31 days

Please see our Summer Housing Guide 有关暑期住宿的更多信息.

365滚球官网要求全日制学生, 21岁以下的一年级学生住在大学正式认可的有组织的生活团体(宿舍), fraternities and sororities, women's cooperative) for one academic year.

Students who live on campus have higher GPAs, 与住在校外公寓或房子里的学生相比,住在校外公寓或房子里的学生更有可能毕业,对自己的大学经历更满意吗.

任何学生如欲申请校外住宿豁免,必须填写 第一年居住要求豁免表格 with the Dean of Students Office.

最实惠的停车许可证是根本没有许可证. 大多数住在校园的破坏者把他们的私家车留在家里使用 alternative transportation 在学校里,在镇上,在休息的时候回家. By leaving your personal vehicle at home, you won’t have to purchase a parking permit, 你几乎消除了停车传票的可能性,你可以节省数千美元的车辆维护费用, gas and insurance. 我们的校园和莫斯科市中心都在一个直径两英里的圆圈内, making our community very walkable, bike-able and boardable. SMART Transit fixed route buses 对所有用户都是免费的,可以到达莫斯科周围的大多数地方,在校园里有七个站点. SMART Transit巴士运营时间为周一至周五早上6:40.m. to 7 p.m.

学生住在学校的住房和住宿生活,有资格购买 银色停车许可证或经济舱停车许可证. 7月第二个星期二中午开始网上销售停车许可证, 然后全年都可以购买. 我们鼓励学生在到达校园之前尽早购买许可证.

有关所有停车和交通信息,请访问 Parking and Transportation Services website. Contact PTS at or 208-885-6424.

食宿费用将出现在你的学生账户账单上,你可以 access through MyUI. 通过选择“学生”选项卡查找您的食宿费用, then “Student Accounts,,然后是“学生账户账单单”.”

If you have financial aid, 住宿和伙食费将在你支付大学费用后从剩余的经济援助中扣除. 余款须于开学第一天或之前缴交.

For your convenience, you may choose to 通过MyUI注册一个付款计划 这将允许你在学期中按月付款,而不是在开始时支付全部金额.


Physical Address:
Wallace Residence Center 2nd Floor

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2010 
莫斯科, ID 83844-2010

Phone: 208-885-6571

Fax: 208-885-6606


网络: Housing and Residence Life

Physical Address:

Mailing Address:
Student Mailing Address:
Student Name
MSC #____
901 Paradise Creek Street
莫斯科 ID 83843


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